Toshiba Transmission Campus Placement 2023 | Trainee | ITI Pass | May 2023 |
Name of institute :- Toshiba Transmission & Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd
Toshiba Transmission Campus Placement
About US :- Toshiba has developed its technology and quality of transmission and distribution systems for over 100 years since we first began to manufacture power transformers in 1894 and switchgears in 1902. As a result of these developments, we have contributed to the excellent standards of the Japanese society where blackouts rarely occur. In recent years, we have expanded our manufacturing bases to various areas such as China, Brazil, and Vietnam to establish global supply centers for our products from these respective factories utilizing our advanced technology and high quality standards.
Toshiba Transmission Campus Placement
Position :-
- Trainee.
Job State (Location) :- Hyderabad.
Monthly Salary :- Rs. 14,300/- pm.
Education :- ITI Pass in (Fitter, Electrician, Wireman, Welder).
Age Range :- 19 – 27 Years.
Required Documents :-
• कक्षा 10 की मार्कशीट
• आईटीआई की सभी मार्कशीट
• आधार कार्ड
• पासपोर्ट फोटो- 5
• अपना बायोडाटा या बायोडाटा लाना होगा।
Toshiba Transmission Campus Placement
Campus Placement Details :-
• Date :- 04th May 2023
• Time :- 09:00 AM
• Venue (Location) :- Sujan ITI Rasalpur, Gaya-Chakand Road, Gaya (Bihar).
Important Links :-
- Notification :- Click Here
- Institute website :- Click Here
Note :- कैंपस प्लेसमेंट में जाने सा पहले ऑफिसियल नोटिफिकेशन अवश्य देखे |
Disclaimer :-This material or information has been placed on our website for the convenience of our visitors. We does not guarantee or give any kind of assurance or authentication for the above said job posting. Candidates are requested to verify on their own.
DO Not Pay Any Charges For The Jobs.
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